Our Clients' Rating

Rose Wang

Join Yoga Session Since 2019

I absolutely love Seed yoga. I've been a member for a couple of years now. I love the uniqueness and different teaching styles of every instructor.

Gaynor Long

Join Health Habits Session Since 2020

I just love yin yoga with Lisa. After class you feel totally relaxed and extremely peaceful. She truly is a very special teacher and shares her knowledge of the practice with grace and humour. Highly recommended

Lainey Kwok

Join Yoga, Meditation Session in 2021

Today was my first yoga session followed by meditation. Diane was calm, relaxed and was able to help individuals during the session. highly recommend to visit and experience the feel of a mini escape from our crazy daily lives 🙏🏼

Ian Moreton

Join free online sessions regularly

The practice is very professional and friendly. The chiropractors make you feel very relaxed and have a great bedside manner. The admin staff are always courteous, friendly and accommodating with my needs.

Popular Event & News from LIFE.COM

          Eat Healthy Planner

Eating a healthy diet is very important during the COVID-19 pandemic. It can affect our body’s ability to prevent, fight and recover from infections
Take a look!

          Yoga Class

Yoga Practice Is Beneficial for Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle and Endurance Under Restrictions and Stress Imposed by Lockdown During COVID-19 Pandemic.
Take a look!

          Home-based Stretching

Physical activity has many health benefits, one of which is to boost the immune system and its fight against respiratory viral infections.
Take a look!

Popular News from Governments

          Small Business COVID Hardship Fund

Providing $10,000 grants for eligible small and medium businesses that have experienced a reduction in turnover of at least 70%.
Claim the money

          COVID-19 Disaster Payment - Victoria

This is a lump-sum payment for people who lost work and income due to a Victoria COVID-19 public health order.
Claim the money

          Business recovery and resilience mentoring

Eligible business owners will be matched with an experienced professional who will provide them with up to four one-on-one mentoring sessions.
Take a look!

Get the right track for you life. Here is how we provides
life Wellbeing Activaity and Support
These are unprecedented times. We need to work extra hard to manage our emotions well.
life Hello
For lots of Victorians, this year has been hard, and you aren’t alone if exercise has dropped off your priority.
life Talk to our Agents
However the pandemic is affecting your mental wellbeing, you can talk it through with one of our counsellors. We’ll provide advice and support based on your specific needs.
Join LIFE Membership
Membership Price and Benefits

• Enjoy Free Event and Activity.

• 10% Discount for Melbourne Fitness Center.

• Free entry for online session.

• Be the first one to enrol our activity.

• Get first priority support.

One Year
AUD $10

Student 5% off

16-20 years old 10% off

Unemployment 40% off